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Budget bill endangers Canadians’ basic freedoms: open letter to the PM

Rt. Honourable Stephen Harper, MP, PC
Prime Minister of Canada

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about provisions in the omnibus budget Bill C-60 that allow for direct government involvement with negotiations between employees and their employers at 49 Crown corporations, including CBC, Canada Post and Via Rail.

The changes Bill C-60 makes to the Financial Administration Act go against the spirit of the Canada Labour Code to support productive relationships between unions and management “in the best interests of Canada in ensuring a just share of the fruits of progress to all…” They stand to take away a fundamental freedom of Canadian democracy: the right to free collective bargaining.

The government already exerts significant power over Crown Corporations, which are supposed to be at arm’s length, by appointing the presidents and board members.

The government intervention in Canada Post’s negotiations with employees in 2011 would become a permanent feature for all Crown Corporations. The new government powers would disrupt the relationships between Crown Corporations and their employees, which we believe will have negative consequences on Canadian society and the economy for years to come.

Furthermore, by participating directly in management decisions at CBC/Radio-Canada, the government could participate directly in discussions about news programming and assignments at the largest news organization in the country. This is a line that should not be crossed in a democratic country.

We believe this legislation will curb the rights of Canadian workers and employers to negotiate collectively for fair wages and working conditions.

We ask you to remove these unprecedented and unnecessary new powers over Crown Corporations from Bill C-60.

Signed: (Click here to add your name to the letter.)

– Darin Barney
, Canada Research Chair in Technology and Citizenship, McGill University
Dany Beaupré, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Jody Berland, Professor, Department of Humanities, York University, editor of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies
Jamie Biggar, Executive Director, LeadNow.ca
Denis Bolduc, General Secretary, Canadian Union of Public Employees (Québec)
Sophie Boulay, Professor, Department of humanities and communication, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières
Daniel Boyer, General Secretary, Quebec Federation of Labour
Marian Bredin, Associate Professor, Communication, Popular Culture  & Film, Brock University
Colette Brin, Professor, Department of Information and Communication, Laval University, President, Canadian Communication Association
Josette Brun, Associate Professor, Department of information and communication, Laval University
Alain Caron, President, Provincial Communication Sector Council, CUPE
Paul J. J. Cavalluzzo. O.Ont., LSM, constitutional and labour lawyer
Benoît Celestino, National president, Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF)
Debra M. Clarke, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Trent University
James Compton, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, University of Western Ontario
Raymond Corriveau, Ph.D., Former President of the Quebec Press Council, Professor, Department of humanities and communication, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières
Natalie Coulter, Ph,D,, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
Gilles Coutlée, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Michel Coutu, LLD, lawyer, Professor, School of Industrial Relations, University of Montreal
Wendy Crewson, Actor
Kathleen Cross, Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, National Coordinator, Global Media Monitoring Project and Chair, Media Democracy Project
Christine Crowther, PhD Candidate, McGill University, Coordinator, Journalism Strategies Conference, Montreal
– Michael Curran, Ph.D. candidate, York University
John Degen, Executive Director, Writers Union of Canada
Shirley Douglas OC, Actor
Ferne Downey, National President, ACTRA
Isabelle Doyon, President, Syndicat des employé(e)s de bureau et professionnel(le)s de Radio-Canada (CUPE 675)
Rebecca Draisey-Collishaw, Ph.D. Candidate (Ethnomusicology), Memorial University of Newfoundland
Zoë Druick, Associate Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Judith Dubois, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Michel Ducharme, President, FTQ Regional Council, Metropolitan Montreal
Warren Edmonson, Past Chair, Canadian Industrial Relations Board
Barbara M. Freeman, Adjunct Research Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University
Sarah Gadon, Actor
Éric George, Professor, Department of communications, University of Quebec in Montreal, member of the board of the GRICIS Research Center
Ken Georgetti, President, Canadian Labour Congress
Bill Gillespie, Journalist
– Mirjam Gollmitzer, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Line Grenier, Associate Professor, Department of communication, University of Montreal
Judy Haiven, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Saint Mary’s University
Larry Haiven, PhD, Professor, Sobey School of Business, Academic Director, Co-operative Management Education Programs, Saint Mary’s University, Past President, Canadian Industrial Relations Association
Bob Hanke, Contract Faculty, York University
Denis Harrisson, Professor, Department of Organization and Human Resources, School of Management, University of Quebec in Montreal
Aldona Jaworska, Master’s Student, Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary
Dr. Sandra Jeppesen, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies, Media Studies, Lakehead University
Peter Keleghan, Actor
Stephen Kimber, Professor of Journalism, University of King’s College, Halifax
Kirsten Kozolanka, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University
Martin L’Abbé, Director and Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Sylvain Lafrance, Associate Professor, School of Business, University of Montreal
Elisabeth Le, Ph.D., Professor, Modern Languages & Cultural Studies, Adjunct Professor, Anthropology, University of Alberta
Denis Lemelin, National President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Alex Levasseur, President, Syndicat des communications de Radio-Canada (FNC-CSN)
Meredith Levine, Lecturer, Graduate Journalism Program, Western University
Iain Macpherson, Assistant Professor, Professional Communication, MacEwan University
Isabelle Mahy, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Social and Public Communication, University of Quebec in Montreal
Dr. Patricia Mazepa, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, York University
Daniel McCafferty, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Art History, Wayne State University
Mary C. Milliken, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, University of New Brunswick
Ian Morrison, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
Garry Neil, Executive Director, Council of Canadians
Manon Niquette, Ph.D., Professor, Department of information and communication, Laval University
Martin O’Hanlon, Director, CWA Canada
– Daniel Paré
, Associate Professor in communication, University of Ottawa
Jean-Claude Parrot, National President, Postal Workers Union (1977-1992)
Marcelina Piotrowski, Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
Diane Poitras, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Stuart R. Poyntz, Ph.D., President, Association for Research in Cultures of Young People (ARCYP), Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Serge Proulx, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Yanick Proulx, President, Quebec Federation of Labour Regional Council, Bas-St-Laurent, Gaspésie, Îles de la Madeleine
Leslie Regan Shade, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Margot Ricard, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Amra Ridjanovic, Lecturer in communication, Laval University
Pierre Roger, President, Fédération nationale des communications (CSN)
Dr. Phil Rose, Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
Jean-Hugues Roy, Professor, School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal
Dr. Philip Savage, Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia, McMaster University
Leslie A. Schous, National President, CPAA-ACMPA
David Skinner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, York University
George C.B. Smith, Fellow, School of Policy Studies, and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Relations, Queen’s University
Carmel Smyth, National President, Canadian Media Guild
Tyler Sommers, Coordinator, Democracy Watch
Susan Swan, Author and a Former Chair of the Writers’ Union of Canada
Diana Trusz, ReimagineCBC.ca
Francisco F. Villanueva, LL.D., M.A., Professor, Department of Organization and Human Resources, School of marketing, University of Quebec in Montreal
Sara Vissers, Ph.D., Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, Department of Political Science, McGill University
Dwayne Winseck, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University
Lauren Zabel, Master’s Student in Communication, University of Calgary
Michael Zryd, Associate Professor, Graduate program in Communication & Culture, York University

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