Canadian Media Guild (CMG) representatives are available for interviews and commentary on the CBC/Radio-Canada licence renewal hearings, which will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday, November 19 in Gatineau, QC. The Guild’s CBC/Radio-Canada Branch president, Marc-Philippe Laurin, and Staff representative Karen Wirsig will be in Gatineau.
The union is proposing a $65 million fund to support local and regional programming by public, provincial and community broadcasters across the country. The funding would come from a contribution by cable and satellite companies of 0.75% of gross revenues. CMG’s submission to the CRTC also argues for a plan to ensure the CBC/Radio-Canada reflects the “multicultural and multiracial nature of Canada.”
About CMG
The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) represents 6,000 media workers including journalists, hosts, producers, technicians, videographers, editors, librarians, programmers, sales reps, administrative staff and freelancers. Our members work at CBC/Radio-Canada, The Canadian Press, TVO, TFO, Thomson Reuters, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Shaw Media, ZoomerMedia, MBS Radio and CKOI (Gatineau). We believe a quality media system that serves all Canadians is built on healthy organizations that treat workers fairly.
For more information: [email protected]