June 18, 2015
Dear CMG Member:
The CBC Board of Directors is meeting on June 22 & 23 in Ottawa. Below you will find a list of all the Board members, along with their contact email. Please think about choosing one, and sending them an email requesting that they step up and champion public broadcasting in Canada with us. It’s important that they hear what we want them to do, and know that their actions are being watched closely.
With Parliament winding down for the summer break, now is also the time to focus on the federal election. In all likelihood, the House of Commons will not sit again before Canadians go to the polls to elect a new government.
Remember what this government has done – $115 million in annual public funding has been cut from the CBC budget, even after promises during the last election to maintain or increase support to the national public broadcaster.
Please find here a round-up of the four national federal political parties and what each has committed to their election platform in terms of support for the CBC.
Starting on Monday June 22, the CMG is asking all members to take one of our “Champion Public Broadcasting” lawn signs home, and proudly display it in their neighbourhood. Contact your local CMG representatives for information on how to get a sign.
In Solidarity,
The Branch Executive of the Canadian Media Guild at CBC
CBC Board of Directors
Chair Rémi Racine (Montreal) – [email protected]
Edward W. Boyd (Toronto) – [email protected]
Marni Larkin (Winnipeg) – [email protected]
Terrence Anthony Leier (Regina) – [email protected]
Brian R. Mitchell (Montreal) – [email protected]
Marlie Oden (Vancouver) – [email protected]
Sonja Chong (Toronto) – [email protected]
Hubert Lacroix (Montreal) – [email protected]
Rob Jefferey (Halifax) – [email protected]
Maureen McCaw (Edmonton) – [email protected]
Pierre Gingras (Blainville, Quebec)