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CMG fights Conservative bill that gives government a direct say in CBC journalism

The Conservative government has introduced C-60, a bill that would allow a government appointee (from Treasury Board) to sit in when we bargain our collective agreement with CBC.

Since the Conservatives control the money CBC receives, and appoint the CBC President as well as the 11-member board of Directors, we believe they already have significant financial control. Which makes us apprehensive about why they need to appoint yet another person to “monitor” or maybe “influence” our bargaining.

We are spending a significant amount of energy fighting this, and you saw our press releases last week and this week – Conservative bill gives government a say in CBC journalism, as well as CMG comments in the media. We are also providing as much information as we can to all the other organizations that are opposing this bill, including the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ), ACTRA, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Lead Now and many more. Not to mention many Canadians publicly questioning these legislative changes.

We will keep you updated on the various initiatives on this front. Visit our website for more, including links to coverage of this issue:

Tories Turning CBC Into ‘Radio Moscow’ – Huffington Post
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 Why Canada Still Needs the CBC

In recent days there has been much focus on the CBC and the government’s intentions to control it. Provisions in Bill C-60 will effectively change the way the CBC is run and funded.


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