Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Factual TV survey one year later: what are you earning?

Factual TV survey one year later: what are you earning?

Tell us what you are earning in your latest factual TV work so that we can update the pay ranges we put out after the 2013 survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the 2014 survey and make sure to pass along the link to your colleagues: http://canadianmediaguild.ca/forms/factualtvsurvey2014.html. The more Canadian factual TV workers fill it out, the better the information we can share with you after. The results will also help focus our continuing efforts to improve working conditions in factual TV.

The survey will be online until the end of August and we will provide the results as soon as possible thereafter. The survey is anonymous and the results will only ever be reported in the aggregate. If you provide your name and email at the end of the survey, that will only be used to contact you about the results and any updates about our campaign for fairness in factual TV production.

We hope your summer is safe and productive…and that you get a chance to enjoy some sunshine.

For more information about the survey and the campaign, please contact CMG organizer Karen Wirsig (karen@cmg.ca) at 416-591-5333, ext. 222, or 1-800-465-4149.

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