Like numerous Canadians and many organizations, CMG has asked the national political parties running in the upcoming federal election to say clearly what they will do to ensure sustainable funding and guaranteed independence for CBC/Radio-Canada, our national public broadcaster.
This key cultural institution – that’s also the largest news organization in Canada, with local news capabilities in communities across the country – is being dangerously undermined with repeated budget cuts and increased government interference. These are destructive trends that we must stop.
We shared our proposals for adequate funding and true independence for CBC/Radio-Canada, and were pleased to see that the Green Party, the Liberals and the NDP have announced commitments to strengthen CBC/Radio-Canada as part of their 2015 election platforms. Here are the parties’ commitments.
I hope you will review these commitments, ask questions from the parties and candidates in your riding, and then get involved in the upcoming federal campaign in support of a federal party that values our national public broadcaster as much as we all do.
Here is an enlightening quote:
“Public broadcasting is defined as a meeting place where all citizens are welcome and considered equals. It is an information and education tool, accessible to all and meant for all, whatever their social or economic status. Its mandate is not restricted to information and cultural development — public broadcasting must also appeal to the imagination, and entertain. But it does so with a concern for quality that distinguishes it from commercial broadcasting.”
Carmel Smyth
National President, CMG