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Making CBC strong again – CMG calls for increased funding, independence

CMG is reaching out to Canadians, encouraging them to ask their MPs to make CBC strong again.

The national public broadcaster must have increased funding (starting at $43.50 per year per Canadian – half the world average) over a five-year period. Currently the funding is at $29 a year per Canadian.

CBC’s independence must be protected, so it can operate at arm’s length from the government of the day, with a President and a Board that are selected through an open and public process, and not nominated through the PMO.

Click here to read the letter to your MP, then sign and send it; please encourage your friends and family to do the same.

In these difficult times, it’s been heartening to see the outpouring of support for CBC/Radio-Canada with numerous Canadians expressing support for and interest in a stronger public broadcaster.

Click here to see a small sample of what numerous Canadians, politicians, CMG members and others are saying and doing in support of CBC/Radio-Canada.

We are also asking Canadians across the country to tell us in a brief video what CBC means to them (we are doing this on our own time and with our own resources). The videos will be published on YouTube and shared via social media.

The CMG is planning more initiatives – working with allies in the broader community – as part of its “save your public broadcaster” campaign – one that will lead up to the federal election in 2015. We will also be discussing the campaign further at our upcoming CMG convention.

Carmel and Marc-Philippe,

Carmel Smyth
National President, CMG

Marc-Philippe Laurin
President, CBC Branch

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