Radio Canada’s largest union (SCRC)* in Québec, and CBC/Radio-Canada supporters are marching from Montreal to Ottawa this week to demand better funding.
The marchers will be joined by supporters in communities along the way as they share a “charter” describing their vision of a strong national public broadcaster.
Among the demands are increased, stable, multi-annual funding, and accountable, transparent governance, whereby the CBC President and Board of directors are not appointed by the PMO, but instead selected through a non-partisan, multi-party process.
“To ensure the future of the single most important national cultural institution in Canada, the basic and critical requirements of increased, stable, and multi-year funding, along with the nomination of a non-partisan Board of directors and president have to be met,” said SCRC President Isabelle Montpetit.
The marchers leave Tuesday, October 6 from the CBC/Radio-Canada building in Montreal, and will be arriving on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Monday, Oct 12.
CBC supporters are invited to show their support on the departure and arrival dates. Representatives from all federal political parties will be on hand to receive the document in Ottawa.
“This is just the most recent public demonstration of support for the CBC. It is obvious to Canadians CBC provides a valuable service and needs better funding,” says CMG President Carmel Smyth.
If you would like to join the march, Lunch and transport will be provided daily, and every morning from October 6 to 12, a shuttle will leave from the Radio-Canada building in Montreal to meet with the marchers on route.
As space is limited on the shuttle, please email your reservation to [email protected]
We will share photos and updates through the week.
*SCRC (Syndicat des Communications de Radio-Canada) represents 3,000 workers at Radio Canada in Québec and Moncton.