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Save Docs at CBC – Sign the petition

CMG has received the following urgent request for support from a group of your colleagues trying to save the CBC Documentary Unit. Please support this petition, by sending an email to [email protected] with your name and job title. Your signature will be public.

Hubert Lacroix will be sharing his vision for CBC, Thursday, June 26 at noon. If you are in Toronto PLEASE COME to Studio 40. If you are not in Toronto, please follow on iO!

Carmel Smyth, National President, CMG
Marc-Philippe Laurin, President CBC Branch, CMG


Privatizing CBC News and Current Affairs?

Add your name to the 40 who signed the petition supporting the Documentary Unit. By killing In-House docs,  CBC is about to take the first step in what amounts to privatizing News and Current Affairs. We are asking CBC to protect the tradition of long-form in-depth journalism by allowing that unit to survive within the News and Current Affairs department. 

Time is of essence. 

Here is the text of the petition:  

Hubert Lacroix (President and CEO)
Heather Conway (Executive Vice-President, English Services)

Dear Hubert and Heather,   

The undersigned journalists have become alarmed at the precipitous decline of documentaries in the CBC-TV schedule, which has occurred not just for financial reasons, but because of programming priorities over many years.

Now there are plans to shut down in-house production of feature documentaries, including the Unit which has produced “The People’s History of Canada”, “The Canadian Experience”, “Eighth Fire” as well as topical quick-response documentaries such as the award-winning “Syria: Behind Rebel Lines”.

CBC Television, to be true to its core mandate, needs more long-form journalism and legacy programming –not less. Read the full text here.

 Signed by:

Laurie Allan (Producer, “As it Happens”)

Adrienne Arsenault (Foreign Correspondent CBC “The National”)

Albert Arsenault

Steve Athey (Video Operator CBC Technical, Toronto)

Neil Avey (Television Technician MPC Toronto)

Nahlah Ayed (Foreign Correspondent: London)              

John Badcock, csc (Cinematographer)

Laura Bain (Producer/Writer-CBC News Network)

Robert Ballantyne (Associate Producer, “As It Happens”)

Jolene Banning (CBC Administration) 

Dominique Banoun (Production Editor, “The National”)

Heather Barrett (Senior Producer, Radio Current Affairs, Newfoundland and Labrador) 

Iain Barrie (Professor, Radio Broadcasting, Algonquin College – retired)

Robert Bellerose (Communications officer)

Sujata Berry (CBC Radio -“The Current”)

Lindsay Bird (Videojournalist, CBC Grand Falls-Windsor)

Anna Bonokoski (Associate Producer “The Debaters” & NXNW BC)

Robert Boucher

Leon N. Bouvier (Regional Education & Organization Officer, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Ontario Region)

Nicole Brewster-Mercury (“The National”, Producer)

Maureen Brosnahan (Senior Correspondent, Toronto)

Patrick Brown (Former Correspondent: China)              

Melissa Bruno (Media Librarian)

Josephine Buiza (Communications Officer for CBC.ca)

Mihai Bulgaru (Senior Remote Area Transmitter Technologist Toronto)

Lynn Burgess (Producer: “Marketplace”)                

Tony Burman (Former Editor-in-Chief: CBC News and Current Affairs)      

Natasha Busic (MSW)

Signa Butler (Senior Writer/Host CBC Sports)

Gina Cali (Visual Researcher, “The Nature Of Things”)

Harvey Cashore (Senior Producer: CBC News)            

Daniel Champagne (Labour Educator)

Julia Chapman (Producer, CBC News: Windsor)

Stephanie Charbonneau (Administrative Support – Level II)

Ellen Chassé (Former Producer Radio-Canada)

Jennifer Chen (Associate Producer, “On the Coast”, CBC Radio Vancouver)

Lynne Chichakian (Producer: Doczone)

Natalie Clancy (Investigative Reporter, Vancouver)

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, PC, CC, CMM, COD, CD (26th Governor General of Canada)

Michael Claydon (Executive Producer: “DocZone”)              

David Common (Host: “World Report”)              

Geraldine Connelly (Producer, “The National”)

Dwayne Cook (Plant Technician Toronto Water)

Hamish Copley (Administrative Assistant)

Brent Cousland (mobile transmission tech)

Kelly Crichton (Former Executive Producer, “the fifth estate” and “The National”)

Kelly Crowe (Medical Sciences Correspondent)

Michael D’Souza    (Producer Assignment)

Dawn Dale (Artist)

Sue Dando (Executive Producer, “The Nature of Things”)        

Allya Davidson (Associate Producer, “the fifth estate”)

Mary Dennis

Patrick DeRochie (Political Field Coordinator, SEIU Healthcare)

Courtney Dickson

Neil Docherty (Senior Producer, “the fifth estate”)          

Jessica Doria-Brown (Reporter/Editor)

S Dosaj

Jeff Douglas (Host “As It Happens”, “Canada’s Smartest Person”)

Robb Douglas. (National TV News cameraman before integration)

Alison Downie (Copy Editor, CBC.ca)

Joe Dudych (Former recording engineer – Radio Two)

Josée Dupuis (Reporter national, Enquête,Radio-Canada)

Christyn Edwards (Digital Producer, Kids’ CBC)

Rebecca Efrat (Media Librarian)

Margaret Evans (European Correspondent: London)              

Rob Evans (News Network Presentation Co-ordinator)

Judy Fantham (Former CBC Regional Producer/Director)

Sharon Farrell (Associate Producer – Technician, Radio Programming Toronto)

Johanne Faucher (Journaliste, télévision de Radio-Canada)

Gillian Findlay (Host: “the fifth estate”)            

Don Flatt  (Switcher/Director, CBC News: New Brunswick)

David Freeman (Senior Producer: Digital Content)

Dwight Friesen (Web Developer)

Wil Fundal (Morning News Editor, “Daybreak North” in Northern British Columbia)

Kathy Gagne (Media Librarian)

Michelle Gagnon (Producer: “The National”)              

Kimberly Gale (Correspondent, Tokyo)

Yvonne Gall (Network Producer Radio)

Matt Galloway (Host: “Metro Morning”)              

Alan Geldart (Freelance Audio Engineer)

Grant Gelinas (Producer, CBC News Edmonton)

Sylvene Gilchrist (Producer: “The National”)              

Whitmore Gillon (Royalties & Revenue Share Coordinator, CBC Business & Rights)

Donna Giroux (Telecom/Network Support Representative, Calgary)

Shirley Gobeil-Gravelle (Radio Producer, retired)

Jeff Goldhar (Graphics Producer, “The National”)

Gisèle Gordon (Independent Filmmaker)

Linda Green (Labour Relations Assistant)

Murray Green (Editor TPC Toronto)

Steph Guthrie (Feminist Advocate and Community Manager)

David Gutnick (Radio Documentary Maker for The Sunday Edition, Host In The Field)

Chris Hall (National Affairs Editor: Ottawa)            

David Halton (Former Senior National Affairs Correspondent: Ottawa)        

Paul A. Hamel (Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto)

Tom Harrington (Host: “Marketplace”)                

Marissa Harvey (Reporter-Editor, Prince George, BC)

Debra Hayes (Radio Playlist Administrative Specialist)

Darlene A. Hebert (Communications)

Marc-Yvan Hébert (Journaliste-réalisateur, Contributions réseau, Winnipeg, MB)

Robert Heydari (Resource Specialist)

Bob Hiland (Former Producer, Creative Services)

Lara Hindle (Producer, Syndicated Audio, CBC News)

Candace Holmstrom (News Presenter/Editor, CBC Saskatchewan)

Derek Hooper (Videographer – Studio and Remote Production – CBC Toronto)

Jamie Hopkins (Senior Designer: Winnipeg)

Julie Huard (réalisatrice)

Mary Hynes (Host, “Tapestry”)

Peter John Ingles (réalisateur Enquête, Radio-Canada)

Jason Irwin (Producer / Director – Communications)

Andrea Jackson (Social Service Worker, Toronto)

Lorna Jackson (Former National Host, CBC Radio)

George Jamieson (retired, former Sr/Exec Producer, writer/editor, CBC: Radio/TV Current Affairs/News)

Elaine Janes (Administrative Assistant, CBC Transmission)

Ann Jansen (Senior Producer, Network Talk)

Sylvie-Anne Jeanson

Erica Johnson (Host: “Marketplace”)                

Colman Jones (Associate Producer, Foreign Assignment Desk, CBC News)

Gerry Jones (Chair, CWA/SCA Canada Retirees Council)

Carol Jones-Packwood (Retired Manager of English Communications, CBC Ottawa)

Roslyn Kalloo (Picture Editor)

Ian Kalushner (Senior Producer CBC News)

Beth Kates Creative Director – Playground Studios

Mark Kelley (Host: ‘”the fifth estate”)            

Paul Kennedy (Host/Producer, “IDEAS”, CBC Radio One)

Annette Keuning (Retired)

Nanci King (Associate Director, Production Planning Group 

Mike Korytkew  (Robo/Video Operator CBC Toronto)

Helen Kugler (Communications Assistant)

Chantal Lacasse (Préposée au soutien, Ressources et production)

Theresa Lalonde (Producer “Our Vancouver”)

Hélène Lamothe (monteur Radio-Canada)

Lise Lareau (CMG Vice-President and CBC News Network Producer)

Pierre Larose (retraité de R-C et fidèle auditeur de R-C)

Valerie Laurie (Resource Scheduler, Media Operations and Technology)

Chantal Lavigne (National Reporter, “Enquêtes”)

Sylvia L’Écuyer (réalisatrice Place à l’opéra Espace Musique, Espace.mu Radio-Canada)

Kathryn Lee (Senior Media Librarian, CBC Radio Archives)

Hélène Lemire (traductrice agree Certified Translator)

Brad Lickman (CBC  “On-air Control Room Technician”, MPC Toronto)

Kim Linekin (CBC Radio national pop culture columnist)

Don Lockhart (Former Host, ” Labrador Morning”)

Joseph Loiero (Associate Producer, Investigative Unit)

Marnie Luke (Producer, CBC News Investigative Unit)

Laura Lynch (Correspondent)

John MacDonald (UNIFOR Organizer)

Neil Macdonald (Senior Correspondent: Washington)              

Linden MacIntyre (Host: “the fifth estate”)            

Angela MacIvor (Reporter: CBC News Halifax)

Norma Lee MacLeod (Host: Maritime Noon)

Tracy MacMaster (Reference & Government Documents Technician, Seneca Libraries)

Marilyn Maki (Host, Radio Noon Winnipeg)

Afrim Maloku (Video Producer, “The National”)

Peter Mansbridge (Chief Correspondent/Anchor “The National”)

Emmanuel Marchand (Réalisateur / Producer, Affaires Publique / Current Affairs, Radio-Canada)

Stan Matecki (Media Operations and Technology)

Anne-Marie Maugeri (Admin Assistant, “Hockey Night in Canada”)

Christina Mayo (Supervising Technologist, St. John’s, NL)

Aileen McBride (editor, “the fifth estate”)

Julia McCrea (Secondary Teacher)

Duncan McCue (Correspondent: “The National”)              

Tom McFeat (Senior writer, CBC.ca)

Brian McHugh (Co-Host, Corner Brook Morning Show)

Terence McKenna (Correspondent: “The National”)              

Randall McKenzie (Videographer / AVID editor CBCNorthbeat)

Bob Mckeown (Host: “the fifth estate”)            

Catherine McKercher (Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University)

Rod McLachlan (Coordinating Producer, 2014 FIFA World Cup)

Matthew and Theo McLauchlin (Sons of the late David McLauchlin, award-winning CBC Documentary Producer and National Reporter)

Calum McLeod (Supervising Technician, Digital)

Natalia Melo (Associate Promo Producer)

Anne Mercer (Senior Reference Librarian-Reference Library)

Carmen Merrifield (Producer: “The National”)              

Harry Mesh (Senior Remote Area Transmitter Technologist)

Wendy Mesley (Host: “The National”)              

Yves Meunier (Cameraman retraité, Ottawa)

Ed Middleton (Videographer)

Molly Middleton  (Senior Producer, “Dragons’ Den”)

Delphine Milbrandt

George Milbrandt

Jacques Milette (Production Editor, Toronto)

Terry Milewski (Senior Correspondent: Ottawa)              

Kris Miller (Technician: Transmission)

Khaleel Mohammed (News / Production Editor – CBC Toronto)

Isabelle Montpetit

Frances-Mary Morrison (Senior Producer, Science and Natural History Unit)

Leslie Morrison (Visual Researcher “the fifth estate”)

Don Murray (Former Correspondent: London)              

Vanja Mutabdzija (Producer: Content Syndication)

Liz Nagy (Associate Producer, “IDEAS”)

Nathalie Noel (Co-ordinator, Business & Rights)

Monica Nowierski

Carol Off (Host: “As It Happens”)            

Catherine Olsen (Executive Producer/Documentaries: CBC News Network)          

Terry O’Neill (Art Director, CBC Graphic Design Toronto)

Blayne Paige (Videographer, CBC Ottawa Retired.)

Anila Pant (Admin. Specialist, Playlist Management Group)

Jean Pelletier (Senior Director-Information, Radio-Canada)

Tessa Perkins (Arts Editor, The Peak)

Kayla Perry

Saša Petricic (Middle East Correspondent: Jerusalem)            

Tina Pittaway (Freelance Documentary Producer)

Ken Publicover (Switcher/Director, Halifax)

Basia Radomski (Writer/Producer)

Natasha Rajakariar (Web Designer)

Louis Rivet-Préfontaine

James Roberts

Jo-Ann Roberts (Host “All Points West”, CBC Radio Victoria)

Naomi Robinson (News Editor)

Éric Robitaille (Animateur, Radio-Canada Ontario)

Liz Rosch (Production editor “the fifth estate”)

Cathy Ross (Senior Media Librarian, Reference Library)

Kas Roussy (National Correspondent, Toronto)

Curtis Rumbolt (Resource Producer)

Jessa Runciman (Associate Producer with CBC Radio)

Michelle Runowski (Sr Designer, Children and Youth Programming Kids’ CBC)

Patrick Russell (CBC TV Music Supervisor)

Lianne Sabourin (infographiste : Radio-Canada Winnipeg)

Bryce Sage (Writer/director/Host ‘the Nature of Things: Survival of the Fabulous’)

Timothy Sawa (Producer Investigative Unit)

Carrie Schipper (Assignment Producer, CBC News)

Joe Schlesinger (Foreign Correspondent emeritus)

Karen Sebesta (Senior Producer Sports)

Andrea Sellinger (Producer, CBC News Network)

Sébastien Sergerie (Technicien général de maintenance Transmission)

Julian Sher (Senior Producer: “the fifth estate”)          

Reg Sherren (Correspondent, “The National”)

Alex Shprintsen (Producer: “The National”)              

Kulvinder Singh (Senior Writer, “The National”)

Carmel Smyth (CBC Producer)

Robin Smythe (Executive Producer: “As It Happens”)

Don Spandier (Senior Producer: “The World at Six”)        

Jonathan Spence (CBC Toronto, Finance and Administration)

Fran Steacy (ENG EDITOR.)

Patty Sullivan (Host – Kids’ CBC)

David Suzuki (Host: “The Nature of Things”)          

Kate Swoger (Producer, “As It Happens”)

Brigitte Thompson (Coordinating Producer, “the fifth estate”)

Bernadette Timson Housing Support Worker

Eric Tompkins (Criminology professor)

Ann Maria Tremonti (Host: “The Current”)            

Doug Trent (Senior Videographer)

Pam Tyrrell (Media Librarian CBC Toronto)

Caroline Underwood (Senior Producer, “The Nature of Things”)

Talin Vartanian (Producer, The Sunday Edition)

Beth Verge (MPC(NCC) on-air technician)

Tina Verma (Producer, “The Nature of Things”/Doc unit)

Raphi Vigod (Broadcast Journalist, National Radio News)

Connie Walker (Lead Reporter: CBC Aboriginal)            

Andrea Warner (Associate Producer, CBC Music)

Tamar Weinstein (Producer: “the fifth estate”)            

David Wells (Producer “The Nature of Things”)

Randal Wheeler (News Presenter/Editor, CBC Radio, St. John’s, NL)

Mary Wiens (Reporter-Editor, “Metro Morning”​)

Dwight Williams (Former courtroom artist, Ottawa and current member of the audience)

Sara Wolch (Producer “IDEAS”)

Ing Wong-Ward (Producer, Metro Morning, CBC Toronto)

Darren Yearsley (CBC Content Sales, Licensing Division)

Brian Young

Catherine Young (Admin Assistant Brookfield Residential, Edmonton AB)

Kate Zieman (Senior Media Librarian, CBC Reference Library)

Claire Zion (Manager CBOT Sales)

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