The team leading our union’s campaign to give a collective voice to reality and factual TV workers is beginning to talk to production companies about negotiating a model contract that would apply to our sector. It’s early days in the process, but for it to be effective, we need accurate information.
If you work in reality/factual TV, we urge you to take 3 minutes to fill out our third survey on pay ranges and working conditions:
It’s hard to make advances when pay ranges and other information are kept secret.
The survey is anonymous and only the aggregate result will be released.
We look forward to your responses and we will report back a summary of the results in late June.
And if you have not signed on to our campaign to indicate your support, please do so here:
Numbers are important so we can prove the power of our voice!
Lise Lareau
Fairness in Factual TV Campaign
Canadian Media Guild