The Canadian Media Guild has signed on to a coalition to Stop the Takeover, which is arguing that the Bell-Astral deal is bad for Canada.
Bell is a massive communications company that already owns satellite distribution, home phone and wireless services, internet service, the CTV television network as well as specialty TV stations including TSN and dozens of radio stations. Astral is Canada’s biggest pay and specialty TV company, with 25 English- and French-language channels including The Movie Network and HBO Canada, as well as the biggest commercial radio network with 84 stations across the country.
The deal would give Bell more control over the media content citizens consume and delivery of daily communications. Owning more media content creates an incentive for Bell to maximize profits by pushing content that it owns or, more dangerously, restricting access to other content.
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The deal is being reviewed right now by the Federal Competition Bureau and the CRTC.