Dear Guild member,
The CBC is calling for a national discussion about its future. Like any other citizen in this country, you have the right to be heard in this ongoing discussion about CBC, and you can share your views about the public broadcaster with your friends, neighbours and people in your community.
As a CBC employee, you have a unique understanding of our national public broadcaster and its place in Canada. It’s important any public comments do not reflect negatively on the Corporation; we encourage you to concentrate instead on the proposed plans for the future and your thoughts on how they affect your work and your audience. By way of example, Yellowknife location unit president Allan Gofenko appeared recently on the local TV news.
As CBC president Hubert Lacroix promised last week after his speech to the Canadian Club of Montreal:
“I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, I will never gag someone or prevent a CBC/Radio-Canada employee from having an opinion, whether it conforms to or is different from mine.”
Polls show a solid majority of Canadians value and support the CBC. We are best positioned to explain why CBC’s radio, TV, and online services are critical to delivering news, information and entertainment to Canadians across the country and around the world.
We are planning several public events over the coming months and welcome your help. Please drop us a line at [email protected] with your suggestions, or to let us know about any questions or concerns.
We’ve created an information flyer about CBC as well as a suggested letter that you can send to your Member of Parliament, asking for a commitment to make CBC strong again.
Carmel Smyth
Canadian Media Guild
President, CBC/Radio-Canada Branch
Canadian Media Guild