Home / Workplace Directory / CBC/Radio-Canada / A dark Friday for CBC employees across the country – 1,300 people laid-off in one year

A dark Friday for CBC employees across the country – 1,300 people laid-off in one year

1,300 people laid-off in one year – the worst year since the arrival of the Conservatives

CBC/Radio-Canada’s unionized employees across the country are marking a dark anniversary this Friday. To highlight the first wave of layoffs from the past year – which were announced on April 10 2014 – members of the six unions will wear black during the day at work. Many will share individual photos and with colleagues on social media using the hashtags #cbcfadetoblack and #rcendeuil.

“Today, CBC employees across the country and all unions are remembering thousands of their colleagues who were let go and marking the loss of many radio and television programs. It’s a new alarm call in response to the increasing darkness that the Harper government is putting in place at CBC. The rate of layoffs is absurd and is endangering the very existence of the public broadcaster,” said CBC/Radio-Canada union leaders.

In the past year, 1,300 CBC/Radio-Canada employees were fired due to the cuts decided by the Harper government and implemented by CBC CEO Hubert T. Lacroix. Since the Conservatives came to power, there are close to 3,000 fewer workers at CBC/ Radio-Canada, less original programming and more repeats.

“The dismantling of the public broadcaster must be stopped before it’s too late,” said the union leaders. Last June, Hubert T. Lacroix announced the elimination of 1,500 more jobs by 2020.



Jeanne d’Arc Umurungi, Communications Director, Canadian Media Guild
(416) 708-4628, jeannedarc@cmg.ca

Lisa Djevahirdjian, CUPE/SCFP Communications
514 831-3815, ldjevahirdjian@scfp.qc.ca

Martin Petit, CSN Communications
514 894-1326, martin.petit@csn.qc.ca

Jean Gagnon, President, Association des réalisateurs
514 597-4177, association@realisateurs.com

Mario Poudrier, Association des professionnels et superviseurs
514 926-4277, aps@apscbcrc.org

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