Hello fellow CMG members at VICE,
We wanted to take a moment to reach out to all of you in light of the news articles that came out last week addressing alleged sexual harassment and misconduct at international VICE offices. Creating and maintaining a safe, harassment-free work environment is paramount to our union, the Canadian Media Guild (CMG).
We all have a responsibility to make sure our colleagues feel safe at VICE. Both VICE management and our Union have agreed to that fact in the Collective Bargaining Agreement – clause #4 is entitled No Discrimination or Harassment (see page 9 of the agreement). In this article, we’ve clearly outlined procedures for investigation of all claims of harassment at work. Please read it and let us know if you have any questions.
Please remember that we, together, comprise our Union and we are here to support each other.
If you have experienced any form of harassment – or if you’ve witnessed it happening at VICE – don’t hesitate to speak to a member of our branch executive in confidence. We will work with you to solve any issues as they arise.
We look forward to working together with all of you and VICE Management to continue to strive to ensure a safe, open, equitable workplace here at VICE Canada.
In solidarity,