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CBC – Branch Quarters – Winter holiday-season edition


Branch Quarters
Edition #4
December 2021


Dispatch from my desk…

We’ve been hunkered down for the last two years, waiting for the coast to clear, and sun to reappear.

2021 has been a series of environmental disasters, and a few hopeful turns. As we approach the new year however, we are left with the same lingering questions we had a year ago.

When will we return to the office?

Can I still work from home?

Will the vaccine really protect me from a deadly virus?

When will this pandemic end?….If ever?

As we continue to press the CBC for flexible work arrangements, and safety in the workplace, here are some of the achievements and challenges we’ve had in 2021:

> More education

We offered education to more members than we’ve seen in a decade.

Temporary employees across Canada were schooled on their rights in our collective agreement, while others engaged in diversity and inclusion training for the very first time.

I’m hoping in 2022 we can offer training in areas such as:

– Conflict management
– Diversity and inclusion
– Member engagement

> Virtual Convention

We pulled off a virtual convention, and managed to pass resolutions, have debates, and good discussions. What was obviously missing, was the chance to chat over a beer, or a coffee in the hallway.

We are now planning to have an in-person President’s Council in June 2022 in Toronto. Of course as situations evolve, this is all subject to change given health concerns and precautions.

Your Branch Executive Council (BEC) is also planning an in-person hybrid meeting in Winnipeg in either March or April.

> Vaccines

We continue to encourage all members to get vaccinated. We know that a very few  of our colleagues are refusing to be vaccinated, and therefore are on leave without pay. This is a very delicate situation for our union as we are legally obligated to represent all members. We continue to be a resource providing information and guidance to everyone.
> Temporary employees

The BEC has added Vancouver member Eva Uguen-Csenge, as our Director of Precarious Workers.  This position brings even more attention to the plight of CBC’s temporary workforce, which exceeds 31% of our membership in some locations. In early 2022, CMG will launch a public campaign to bring attention to the problems faced by many of our members who are precarious workers. Stay tuned.


Location Unit news

Depending on where in Canada you live, the holidays will present different challenges.

Special thanks to all locations for coming up with creative ways to connect with members at this time of the year.

Toronto passed on their usual Holiday Party and opted to give “Essential” hoodies to members who had no choice but to work inside the broadcast centre during the entire pandemic.

Winnipeg gave out CMG branded Yeti travel mugs and delivered them door-to-door (thanks Ron and Joanne).

In St. John’s, Brad Childs and the LEC partnered with management to include a “Tim’s” card, in gift bags being given out by management.

We deeply appreciate all the work of our members who serve on local executives and joint committees with management.


> CMG staff and offices   > CBC Branch Executive Council 
Happy HolidaysI sincerely hope that during this time of year, you can connect with friends or family. Take stock and recharge if you can. I remain hopeful that 2022 will be better in so many ways.Best,

Kim Trynacity
CBC Branch President
[email protected]


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