Consider contributing your energy and skill as a Canadian Media Guild (CMG) member at CBC/Radio-Canada to the CBC Branch National Grievance Committee. This committee handles grievances referred to the national level.
CBC Branch committees work to build a better workplace and serve our interests as co-workers.
Much of the work happens by conference call, and there are five in-person meetings in Toronto during the year.
Committee members involved in joint meetings with management get paid release from work in order to represent our union and participate in committee work. Travel costs for committee members outside Toronto are also covered.
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET on Wednesday, June 13, 2018.
Please submit your application to join the CBC Branch National Grievance Committee using our online form:
Make sure your application is comprehensive as it will form the basis for selection decisions by the CBC Branch Executive Council.
Click here to review the Branch policy on committees.
If you are not selected for the committee, your application will be kept on file for future vacancies and sub-committee work.
For more information, please contact CBC Branch President, Jonathan Spence, at [email protected].