Consider contributing your energy and skill as a member of the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) at CBC/Radio-Canada.
CBC Branch committees are geared towards building a better workplace and serving our interests as co-workers.
Members may apply to participate on the following CBC Branch committees:
-The Performance Management and Staff Development Committee guides the PMSD, a joint union-management program.
-The Education and Mobilization Committee informs members about our union and our rights and campaigns to foster more active involvement in the day-to-day life of the Guild.
-The New Members’ Committee is dedicated to issues that are specific to our union’s newer members
-The SRC Committee focuses on the interests of CMG members working at SRC
Much of the work happens by conference call; sometimes there may be in-person meetings, usually in Toronto.
Committee members involved in joint meetings with management get paid release from work in order to represent our union and participate in committee work. Travel costs for members outside Toronto are also covered.
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
Please submit a separate application for each committee you would like to join using our online form:
Make sure your application is comprehensive as it will form the basis for the Branch Executive Council decision. And if you are applying for more than one committee, indicate your order of preference. Click here to review the Branch policy on committees.
The CBC Branch Executive Council will make the final selection for members of each committee. If you are not selected for a committee, your application will be kept on file for future vacancies and sub-committee work.
For more information, contact the CBC Branch via [email protected].