For CMG members at CBC,
The proposed bill C-27 – An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act – is designed to immediately affect pensions at federally regulated private-sector companies and at Crown corporations, and will fundamentally change the pension landscape across Canada. Read our communication from last week for more info about the proposed new legislation.
Tuesday, February 7 has been set as a day of action to stop these changes and save our pensions. On that day, union members from across Canada will be on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to urge MPs to abandon Bill C-27, and focus instead on ensuring secure retirement for more Canadians and future generations of workers.
Those of us outside of Ottawa can also do our part on the February 7 day of action. It’s easy:
First, find your MP’s contact information here by entering your postal code, then make two calls:
1.Call your MP at their office in Ottawa and tell them to abandon Bill C-27, and to work instead for secure retirement for all Canadians today and in future.
2.Call your MP at their Constituency office in your community, and set up a meeting with the MP about Bill C-27 for when the MP is next in the riding.
As some have already done, you can also email your MP urging them to stop Bill C-27 and work instead for better pensions for everyone. Make sure you CC Finance Minister Bill Morneau at [email protected] and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at [email protected]. Feel free to use this template.
Jonathan Spence
CBC Branch President CMG