Home / Workplace Directory / CBC/Radio-Canada / CBC Branch looking to fill vacancies on two National Committees

CBC Branch looking to fill vacancies on two National Committees

Get involved on the National Joint on Learning and Development committee (Seeking to add one member) and/or the Branch Education and Mobilization of the Guild at CBC! Much of the work happens by conference call; sometimes there are in-person meetings, usually held in Toronto. Committee members get paid time off from work to attend joint meetings with management and travel costs for members outside Toronto are covered.

Here is a short description of the two committees on which members are needed:
National Joint on Learning and Development (Seeking to add one member): a Guild committee where we discuss members’ training and development needs with management.
Education and mobilization: a Guild committee to inform members about the union and their rights and campaigns to get them more active in the day-to-day life of their union.

Click here to apply to join any of the committees described below:

All the other CMG committees at CBC are now complete. Click here to see the members who sit on the different committees.

Click here for more details on all the committees.

Click here to review the branch policy on committees.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET Friday, April 4.

The Guild executive at CBC will make the final selection of members of each committee, based on the content of the applications. Please submit a separate application for each committee you would like to join using our online form.

If you are not selected for a committee at this time, your application will be kept on file for future vacancies and sub-committee work. Your union needs you! Thanks to all who participate in Guild committees.

For more information, please contact Marc-Philippe Laurin, CBC Branch President at [email protected].

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