We still have some vacancies remaining on CBC Branch committees. Please consider contributing your energy and talents as a volunteer on the below committees.
Much of the work happens by conference call; sometimes there are in-person meetings, usually in Toronto. Committee members get paid time off from work to attend joint meetings with management and travel costs for members outside Toronto are covered.
Click here to apply to sit on any of the committees described below: http://www.cmg.ca/en/cbcradiocanada/committees/
Employee Assistance Program National Board : sets policies and budget for national program and helps local committees meet national standards. You need an endorsement from a local EAP committee member to apply for this committee.
National Joint Employment Planning Committee : deals with downsizing, including the layoff and recall procedure.
National Joint Committee on Learning and Development : where we discuss members’ training and development needs with management.
Performance Management and Staff Development : guides this joint union-management program.
National Health and Safety Policy Committee : develops and monitors health and safety programs as well as prevention of workplace hazards.
Broadcast Technology Career Structure Committee : joint committee responsible for overseeing the relevant processes within the broadcast career structure, as well as compliance with the collective agreement.
Branch By-law and Policy Committee: a Guild committee responsible for the review and upkeep of the Branch bylaws and ensuring that they conform to the CMG and CWA-SCA Canada bylaws and constitutions.
Education and Mobilization: a Guild committee to inform members about the union and their rights and campaigns to get them more active in the day-to-day life of their union.
SRC Committee: A CMG committee that focuses on the interests of our CMG SRC members
New members: Committee that is dedicated to issues that are specific to our newer members
Click here to review the branch policy on committees:
http://www.cmg.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/CBCBranchPoliciesEN-Feb-2013.pdf .
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET on Monday, February 20, 2017. The CMG executive at CBC will make the final selection of members of each committee, based on the content of the applications. Please submit a separate application for each committee you would like to join using our online form: http://www.cmg.ca/en/cbcradiocanada/committees/
If you are not selected for a committee, your application will be kept on file for future vacancies and sub-committee work. Your union needs you!
For more information, contact CBC branch at [email protected].