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CMG Broadcast Technology and IT Advisory Council

To improve consultation with members working in the ever-evolving and demanding positions of Broadcast Technology and IT, the CBC branch of CMG is putting together a member advisory council.

The council will inform and advise branch leadership on current and emerging work-related issues.

This is critically important as we navigate long-standing disputes with the corporation such as compensation and schedules.

If you work in any of these job classifications, please submit an expression of interest to: info@cmg.ca by April 1 – Subject line: BTIT Advisory Council

As part of our commitment to equity, inclusion, and diversity, CMG recognizes that systemic racism is embedded in organizations. As part of our dedicated efforts to dismantle those systems, CMG encourages and invites expression of interest from the BIPOC members. We also encourage expressions of interest from LGBTQ+ members, as well as members with a diversability. If at any time, you experience a barrier in expressing your interest for committee membership please contact Branch President Kim Trynacity at: KimTrynacityCMG@gmail.com

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