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CMG response to APTN’s announcement of a mandatory vaccination policy  

The union has been made aware of APTN’s announcement of a mandatory vaccination plans and are still assessing the protocols in the employer’s policy.

We are also having our lawyers review the announced protocols to ensure no member’s health or privacy rights are breached.

The CMG continues to advocate for health and safety as a top priority at work as we deal with the ongoing COVID-19 ramifications. Concern for members must be at the heart of every policy approach to ensure a healthy and productive workplace for everyone.

We will continue to work with APTN  to ensure any and all protocols put in place are clear and applied in a fair and equitable manner.

As the legalities around mandatory vaccinations continue to evolve, CMG’s lawyers have written this explanation you might find useful: https://www.cmg.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/CMG-2021-On-Mandatory-Vaccinations.pdf

We know there is a small number of people for whom getting a vaccination might prove challenging. We urge the company to consider these situations on a case by case basis and to treat them with compassion while finding alternate solutions.

Accommodations can include working from home, rotating schedules, and specific workplace conditions that protect everyone’s health and privacy. The union does not see layoffs as a workable solution.

Please reach out to your CMG staff rep anytime with questions or concerns:  Joël Tétreault at joel@cmg.ca.

Carmel Smyth
Canadian Media Guild


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