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CMG to fight increases to our CBC pension contributions

CBC management has announced a new increase to the contributions we as employees make to the CBC  pension plan. Employee contributions have now been raised 25% since 2015 in order to get to a 50/50 contribution split between employer and employees this year.

CMG as well as other unions at CBC oppose this one-sided change which was arbitrary and done without consultation or negotiation. We have already filed a grievance to have the hikes reversed to a more reasonable ratio of 60/40. The issue was filed by agreement of the Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits (CCSB) union participants, and the parties agreed that it would go directly to arbitration. 

While we are a long way from a resolution, we are focused on using all the means available to us to reverse these increases, because CMG and our fellow unions at CBC believe this change is wrong:

-The increases are a salary cut: By decreasing the employer contribution and forcing employees to pay more for their pensions, CBC is reducing our pay. This unilateral decision is a violation of our collective agreement.

-The change is not necessary: We know from the updates provided to unions at the latest CCSB meeting that the CBC Pension Plan is healthy and continues to perform well.

-$9 million taken from employees to give to the employer: Management has said the change was mandated by a federal government directive requiring Crown Corporations to move to a 50/50 pension contribution split by July 1, 2017. The reality is that the increases over the last three years have added up to a $9 million transfer from employees to the Corporation.

This is why CMG and the other unions will continue to fight these changes to our pay and our pension.

Members of the CMG National Grievance Committee, Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits and the CBC/Radio-Canada  Executive Council


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