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CMG welcomes swift return of CBC local TV newscasts

The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) applauds the CBC’s swift decision to restore local news. The Corporation announced it would fully restore local television news coverage starting this week.

CBC says it initially plans expanded 30-minute local news segments on CBC News Network. We are happy to see CBC’s commitment to then bring “all of the dedicated local shows back up on the main network” throughout this week and next.

We are looking forward to a full return of supper hour, and late night shows as are Canadians across the country who have made it clear how valuable local news is. Viewers want  trusted information about their communities. And they expect to get it from CBC. We know local news has always been important, and we have now heard from audiences across the country, and been reminded yet again how vital it is especially in critical times.

Our union has been a vocal opponent of last week’s decision to suspend local television news.  We urge CBC to find alternate, equally effective ways to provide news while keeping workers safe.

We appreciate media workers in every part of the country who have stepped up on short notice to work remotely, leveraging available technology to ensure the public has the reliable news and information they need.

We are impressed by members’ dedication and the resourcefulness on display during this period, and look forward to a full return of local television news so CBC can continue to deliver the essential public service it has always provided. It is what Canadians want and need from their national public broadcaster.

The union hopes to see the Corporation bring back all local news as quickly as possible, and do everything it can to expand services as needed in this unprecedented crisis.

Kim Trynacity, President, CBC/Radio-Canada Branch, Canadian Media Guild (CMG)
Carmel Smyth, National President, Canadian Media Guild (CMG)

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