The deadline to submit applications for CMG national committees at CBC has been extended to Monday, January 23, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET.
Put your name forward to help make a difference in our workplace for all your colleagues.
Much of the work is done by video conference though there are also in-person meetings for some committees held in Toronto or Ottawa. Committee members receive paid time off from work to attend joint meetings with management, and travel costs for members are covered.
Click here to apply to sit on any of the committees described below: indicate which committee is your preference.
**Please note that members who already sit on a committee, need to reapply.**
National Grievance Committee: Handles grievances referred to the national level. It’s where we really put the collective agreement to the test. This committee meets several times a year and requires good analytical and critical thinking skills.
Joint Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Committee: Are you passionate about diversity and inclusion? This committee works with management to develop, implement and review the employment equity plan required under law.
Pay Equity Committee: Mandated under the collective agreement to address disparities in pay between men and women. With a federal commissioner now in place, this committee is intended to navigate the CBC through compliance measures and requirements.
National Joint Committee: Meets regularly with upper management to deal with workplace issues that are national in scope and works to maintain the relationship between the Guild and management.
Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits: Critically important committee which oversees the CBC’s benefit and insurance plans and makes recommendations on the pension plan.
National Joint Employment Planning Committee: When job cuts occur, this group deals with downsizing, including the layoff and recall procedure.
National Job Evaluation Committee: Responsible for the implementation and the on-going management of job evaluation, classification profiles and ratings.
National Joint Committee on Learning and Development: Where we discuss members’ training and development needs with management. Ongoing and equal access to training will be necessary to prepare members for further change and challenges.
Performance & Development Dialogue Committee: Guides this joint union-management program.
National Health and Safety Policy Committee: Develops and monitors health and safety programs as well as prevention of workplace hazards. These issues can range from mental health issues, to working under unsafe conditions in the office or in the field.
Joint Broadcast Training Committee: A Union-Management Joint Broadcast Technology Training. The committee makes recommendations to the
National Joint Committee on Learning and Development, and to the ‘Learning and Development Department’ as appropriate.
Branch By-law and Policy Committee: A precise and detailed Guild committee responsible for the review and upkeep of the Branch bylaws and ensuring they conform to the CMG and CWA-SCA Canada bylaws and constitutions.
Education and Mobilization: Join this CMG committee to inform members about the union and their rights and develop campaigns to get them more active in the day-to-day life of their union.
Click here to review the branch policy on committees:
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. ET on Monday, January 23, 2023.
The CMG executive at CBC will make the final selection of members of each committee, based on the applications. Please submit a separate application for each committee you would like to join using our online form.
If you are not selected for a committee, your application will be kept on file for future vacancies and sub-committee work.