Home / Workplace Directory / CBC/Radio-Canada / Deadline extended – Update on the review of the Broadcast Technology Career Structure (BTCS)

Deadline extended – Update on the review of the Broadcast Technology Career Structure (BTCS)

– Update on the review of the Broadcast Technology Career Structure (BTCS)

The current collective agreement provides for a sub-committee of the National Joint Committee that is mandated to review all aspects of the BTSC, including but not limited to job structure, career development and training. The Union proposed this in order to respond to concerns that have been raised with us by many of you. The committee’s recommendations may be adopted during the life of this Collective Agreement and form part of the Agreement going forward.

We have met several times with management and we are discussing the following changes:

Because of the rapidly evolving nature of technical maintenance work, it has become extremely difficult to continue with exams that are relevant to the work required.  Producing relevant questions and providing study material is increasingly more difficult. While exams did play an important role at one time, both sides are of the view that it may be time to eliminate them.

The committee believes that the hiring process would benefit from including member(s) of the bargaining unit on hiring boards. These would ideally be experts in particular areas and would help with ensuring relevant questions are asked. They would not be party to the hiring decision which is a management one.

The committee is of the view that the current exam committee should be replaced with a Broadcast Technology training committee. This committee would be tasked with reviewing training needs. Because resources are very limited the committee will be asked to look at alternatives to formal training such as peer knowledge sharing. This is not to say that we will not continue to press for formal training.

Job Classifications
The committee is discussing whether there should be any modification, creation or elimination of classifications.

Please feel free to share your thoughts with us at [email protected] by Friday, March 27. Your feedback will be considered as we work with management to finalize the changes.

Your BTCS Sub-Committee:

Harry Mesh
Greg Rier
Michael Robert

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