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Guild and CBC work through discipline and termination grievances

In recent months, the Guild and CBC resolved two termination grievances and one related to discipline to the satisfaction of all involved.

The two sides continue to discuss four grievances related to discipline, freelance contributor compensation, and workforce adjustment.

As always if you have any questions about your rights, we encourage you to seek out your local CMG representatives who are there to help you. Find information for your local representatives here:  http://www.cmg.ca/en/contact/branch-leadership/cbcradiocanada/

Progress at labour board as Guild welcomes 40 new members in Ottawa

As a result of an agreement between CMG and CBC at the labour board, the Guild welcomed approximately 40 new members last spring who had been excluded from our bargaining unit. We have now closed a number of grievances related to the file, and discussions continue at the Board on other positions at the Corporation. The case dates back more than a decade, when the Guild filed a complaint against CBC for excluding positions from our bargaining unit.

CMG grievance committee welcomes new member

The National Grievance Committee would like to thank outgoing member Bob Sharpe for his years of service on the committee. Bob brought frank talk and a strong sense of justice to his work on the committee and we wish him all the best as he continues to serve the members in St John’s. We take this opportunity to welcome Christina Mayo to the committee. She has taken over the Atlantic region duties. Christina also comes from St John’s where she is the Guild local president.

For more information, contact the Guild ([email protected]) at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149 or visit www.cmg.ca .

Your national grievance committee:
Marc-Philippe Laurin, chair
Annick Forest
Christina Mayo
John O’Connor
Pam Petrin
Bruce May, CMG staff representative

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