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Guild editorial board at CBC/Radio-Canada

The Canadian Media Guild’s CBC/Radio-Canada Branch is accepting applications to an editorial board. 

While this is a first for the Guild and a developing project, the Branch Executive Committee believes the need to support editorial content through discussions with our members is more important now than ever. 

With so many changes to our industry, our members have often expressed concern with the direct impact these changes have on the work we do.  From shifting resources and the composition of our workforce, to new platforms, the evolution of artificial intelligence, and changes in legislation – all these transformations have significant effects on our work and on the service we provide.

This board will take a look at the developments affecting our editorial workforce, and provide an analysis that will inform our union’s executive and our members on the effects of such changes. 
The editorial board will report to the Branch Executive Committee.

We are looking for members from across the country working in a variety of editorial positions from Editors to VJs to Producers, from St. John’s to Whitehorse.  Please send in your application here: https://www.cmg.ca/en/cbcradiocanada/committee-application/, by Friday June 28 at 8 p.m. ET Include a couple of paragraphs of why you want to be a part of this board and what you can bring to the position.

Jonathan Spence
President, CBC/Radio-Canada Branch, Canadian Media Guild

Kim Trynacity
Branch Executive – Prairie Director (AB, SK, MB)

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