The CBC-CMG Joint Job Evaluation Committee has completed its review of challenges filed by employees questioning their slotting under the JE plan implemented on January 9th, 2006.
The committee addressed 799 individual challenges in a fair, equitable and diligent process that took over a year to complete.
The results generally fall into three main categories:
– challenge accepted ? employee re-slotted;
– challenge denied ? employee properly slotted;
– committee disagreed ? employee’s challenge may proceed to arbitration.
Letters that will inform those who challenged of their individual results are now being prepared. Managers will deliver them on April 12 and 13. Each employee will have to sign a register to acknowledge receipt of their letter.
Re-slotting may trigger salary adjustments retroactive to January 9, 2006, as well as an additional JE fund amount. If so, individuals will receive that money on May 10, 2007.
– The CBC-CMG Joint Job Evaluation Committee