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Let’s make sure we are heard at CBC

The employee survey at the CBC is has an October 29 deadline and so far only a quarter of Guild members have responded. We have been told that the response rate among non-Guild employees at CBC is more than 50% and as high as 90% in some areas. If we don’t participate in greater numbers, there’s a risk that the results won’t truly represent the views of Guild members.

“I urge all CMG members to fill out the survey,” says Marc-Philippe Laurin, president of the Guild’s CBC branch. “It is an effective way to communicate your thoughts and concerns directly with CBC decision-makers.”

CBC President Hubert Lacroix has promised to act swiftly on the results. The Guild and other CBC unions were involved in the creation of the survey, which is meant to assess what we really think about working at CBC. The survey is anonymous and is being conducted by an outside firm who are expected to provide analysis of the results by December. The results will be compared to those of previous surveys to help identify trends.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.

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