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Unions call for Saint John community support of MBS strikers

More than fifteen labour unions spoke out collectively today to ask the community to show their support for the seven striking CMG members at the Maritime Broadcasting System radio stations in Saint John, New Brunswick.

At a news conference, the president of the Saint John & District Labour Council, Ron Oldfield, called for a boycott of all businesses that are continuing to run advertisements on the three struck stations. “We’re asking our members and the general public to boycott them during this period. If MBS comes back to the table to negotiate a fair deal, or if the businesses pull their advertising, we’ll take them off the list.”

Oldfield points out that unlike the Halifax-based owner of MBS, the seven striking employees are a big part of the community they serve. “People are always asking organized labour to step up to the plate, and we always answer the call. Now we’re asking the community to support the union.”

A few weeks ago the strikers launched an internet-based radio station. You can listen anytime by visiting www.radiofreesaintjohn.fm.

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