Members of the Canadian Media Guild’s TVO executive met with senior managers on Friday in an attempt to find a mediated settlement to the ongoing dispute around the layoffs announced in March 2005.
Unfortunately, even after eleven hours spent with mediator Allan Heritage, the two sides were unable to reach an agreement. The Guild is now examining its options, which include taking the March 15 “omnibus” grievance to arbitration.
The Guild has alleged that TVO didn’t give the union sufficient notice before notifying ten employees that their jobs were redundant. As a result, it wasn’t possible to find or even suggest other options, such as voluntary separation or early retirement programs that would have reduced the number of involuntary layoffs. Job security is
important to Guild members, and our grievance is meant to address this.
For more information please contact branch president Carol Burtin Fripp at [email protected] or Keith Maskell at [email protected].