The National Grievance Committee met with the Corporation in September to address the grievances that were referred to the committee for resolution.
The committee dealt with outstanding issues from the past round of meetings and resolved four of those grievances.
Of the remaining grievances three were referred to arbitration, one was resolved and four were held pending further discussion while the parties seek out more information.
Leave Without Pay requests now centralized
The parties have agreed that in order to speed up the process and standardize the application all Leave Without Pay requests will be centralized. This new process will be tested over the next few months. More information to follow, both parties will continue to monitor the process.
News grievances
The committee dealt with six new grievances two related to Medical absences, two dealt with members’ rights under the workforce adjustment process, a grievance dealing with jurisdiction of work was returned to the local for further discussion and finally a new grievance regarding the information requested in the current medical information form.
The committee once again looked at the issue of mandatory medical absence reports and continues discussions to resolve this issue. In the meantime the union’s position remains firm as per our communiqué of January 30, 2015 (