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Questionnaire for CMG members working in Client Sales Support (CSS) at CBC

This message is for CMG members currently working as a Client Sales Support (CSS) representatives at the CBC. As you may know, the CSS job classification was created a couple of years ago as part of changes to the structure in the sales group at the CBC.

Some of our members who work as Client Sales Support representatives have raised concerns with your union, the Canadian Media Guild (CMG), regarding some of the duties they perform and whether or not those duties match the current job classification. In order for the union to determine whether or not there is a mismatch between the tasks currently assigned and the job as it was initially rated jointly by the CBC and the CMG, we are asking that you complete the survey we sent you.

The CMG will aggregate the data collected, removing individually identifying information so that the discussions are about the tasks and duties, not individual members. CBC management has been informed that we are contacting our members directly to gather this information, and they are aware of the process we are following. After the data has been collected and analyzed, the CMG will determine whether there are issues that need to be addressed and, if there are, work to resolve them through the appropriate forums.

In order to provide enough time to complete the survey, we ask that you please send your responses in the attached Word document no later than Friday, September 23, 2016 at 5 p.m. Send the completed survey by email to info@cmg.ca, using the subject line: CSS Survey.

Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.

Should there be any questions about this process, feel free to contact Federico Carvajal at federico@cmg.ca or by telephone at 416-591-5333, ext. 251.

Thank you for your participation.

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