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Report – Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits (CCSB)

At our March 2018 meeting, the Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits (CCSB) heard a report from our Working Group on Workplace and Culture regarding two initiatives related to mental health.  First, about one hundred (100) people across the CBC have undertaken “Mental Health First Aid” training, and more people are to be trained within the next few months. Second, an education-based program designed to address and promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in a workplace setting is being offered in collaboration with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. (That program is called “The Working Mind”.)

Some employees (and CMG members) in British Columbia have been personally paying the premiums associated with the province’s Medical Service Plan (MSP) when these premiums should be paid by the employer, the CBC, as a taxable tax benefit. Since our committee raised this issue, the CBC will now be following up with affected members. Anyone working in B.C. who has been paying their own MSP premiums should contact Shared Services to rectify the situation.

Our medical insurance company also made a presentation to the committee about how medications are approved for coverage under our plan. The presentation followed questions that had been raised about why certain medications were not covered. We are working to ensure that employees have the best coverage possible.

For instance, CMG made an appeal to the CCSB last year to cover the cost of the diabetic medical device “Freestyle Libre” which significantly reduces the hassle of finger prick glucose monitoring. Great West Life added the device to their plan coverage this year.

The dental fee guide will be updated this fiscal to the 2017 guide.  The employee monthly contribution, which was set to be $11, $12 and $13 for the next three years respectively will now be $9 for all three years as the result of an unexpected surplus.

The CCSB is continuing to monitor changes adopted by the federal and provincial governments that might impact the cost of our medical coverage plan. For example, we are interested in following the impact of a recent agreement reached by the provinces on the price of generic drugs.

Your representatives at the March 2018 CCSB:
Jonathan Spence
Annick Forest
Gaynette Spafford
Vik Adhopia
Federico Carvajal, CMG Staff Rep
Olivier Roy, CMG Staff Rep

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