Home / Workplace Directory / Vice Media / VICE Canada workers face job cuts – collective agreement rights apply to union members

VICE Canada workers face job cuts – collective agreement rights apply to union members

Dear fellow members of the Canadian Media Guild (CMG),

Following on today’s announcement by management at VICE Media, workers and CMG members at VICE Canada will be facing job cuts.

The collective agreement negotiated between our union and VICE Canada includes protections for union members facing involuntary layoffs as well as a provision for members to indicate interest in and availability for a voluntary layoff.

The CMG-VICE Collective Agreement can be found here: https://www.cmg.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/VICE-CMG-CollectiveAgreement2017-20.pdf.

CMG union staff are available to discuss protections for those facing an involuntary layoff and to discuss what a voluntary layoff entails.

Permanent employees who are laid off will receive severance pay and will have bumping and recall rights.

Vice Canada union members can connect with CMG Staff Representatives Lauren Baert ([email protected]) and Terri Monture ([email protected]).

Please see this Question and Answer sheet for more detail.

CMG members at VICE have experienced a series of job cuts over the past two years, and we have continued to support one another and ensure that our rights are respected through it all.

In solidarity,

Lucy Cameron
Secretary-Treasurer, VICE Branch, Canadian Media Guild (CMG)

Kamala Rao
President, Canadian Media Guild (CMG)

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