Home / Workplace Directory / CBC/Radio-Canada / Welcome new VP for Vancouver / Nominations for treasurer and president open

Welcome new VP for Vancouver / Nominations for treasurer and president open

Bonjour everyone,

Welcome new vice-president for CBC Vancouver, and call for nominations for treasurer and president

The local executive is happy to announce that Anu Dawit-Kana has been acclaimed to the position of vice-president. She will be completing the current mandate ending in January 2014.  Anu has been active within our union for a number of years and has been the local treasurer since November 2011.

The local executive would like to thank Colin Preston for his work as interim vice-president over the last few months.

Anu will not be cumulating both functions, and therefore this is a first call for nominations for the position of local treasurer.

During the last call for nominations, we did not receive any interest for the position of local president. Therefore, based on CMG bylaws, this is a second call for nominations for the position of president of the Vancouver local.

The CBC Branch bylaws require that there be a by-election when local executive positions are vacated more than six months before the end of the mandate (January 2014).

If you are interested in either position (local treasurer or local president), you can get a nomination form from one of the two members of the Election committee: Annick Forest (6285) or Colin Preston (6750).

Your union needs you

I strongly encourage you to consider running for one of the vacant positions on the executive, or to volunteer some time as a member of the Vancouver local executive committee.

Unions are there to protect your rights but can only do so if they are strong.

Strong unions are built when many people get involved and each gives a little time and effort.

Participate and help to improve working conditions for you and for your colleagues!

Please submit nominations forms to a member of the election committee by Friday, March 15, at 4 p.m.


Upcoming AGM

The Vancouver Local will be holding an Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, March 19 and the CBC Branch president, Marc-Philippe Laurin will be our guest speaker. This is a bargaining year for the CBC Branch, so this will be a unique opportunity for you to be share your ideas and ask questions.

Please watch your email and the CMG bulletin board for more details on the location and time of the AGM.

In solidarity,

Annick Forest
Interim president and secretary
Vancouver local executive committee


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