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Your chance to help make the new CBC agreement work

Are you interested in resolving conflicts? Do you want to help improve working conditions for your CBC colleagues across the country? Do you want to be an advocate for Guild members caught in a dispute with CBC management? If so, your union needs your help to interpret and enforce our new collective agreement. The Canadian Media Guild is accepting applications from members of the CBC Branch interested in serving on the new National Grievance Committee.

Through the handling of grievances and disputes in the workplace, the Guild members on this committee breathe life into the contract and make it relevant for CBC employees.

The committee will have five union members and a staff representative. There will be an equal number of management representatives. The committee replaces the former national grievance committees for Units 1, 2 and 3. It will deal with disputes referred by local committees and work according to the provisions of the article on Dispute Resolution and Grievance Procedure in the new collective agreement. Click here to read the article.

There are five positions available. The final selections will be made by the CBC Branch Executive. The aim is to have a committee that will reflect gender, regional representation and job categories at the CBC. Experience in resolving disputes and handling grievances is an asset. Successful applicants must be prepared to attend five three-day meetings per year in Toronto. The Guild covers travel and accommodation and arranges paid release from work.

To apply, please send a message to guild@interlog.com by Wednesday January 4 and include your work location, experience and why you are interested.

For more information, contact Bruce May at bruce@cmg.ca or call the Guild office at 1-800-465-4149 or 416-591-5333.

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