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Your union needs you – Nominations for CBC Branch VP position now open

The resignation of Michael D’Souza as vice-president of the CBC Branch executive council has created a vacancy to be filled. We are now accepting nomination for that position. The successful candidate will serve until the current term ends in December 2016.

All members in good standing of the CBC Branch are eligible to be nominated for vice-president.

The duties are outlined under Article 6.3 b) of the CBC Branch Bylaws  http://www.cmg.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/CBCBRANCHBYLAWS_Revised_May_2014.pdf

To download the nomination form, please click http://www.cmg.ca/fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/NationalnominationformENFR.pdf

The candidate, nominator and two seconders must all be CMG members in good standing.

The deadline for receipt of completed application forms is Tuesday, April 26 at 5 p.m. ET.

The dates for any necessary elections will be set following the close of nominations.

If you have any questions, please write to vote@cmg.ca

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