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Journalism awards – Submit your work before the end of the year!

Journalism awards – Submit your work before the end of the year!

You or a colleague may be interested in submitting your work for three prestigious journalism awards: the Canadian Hillman Prize; the 2013 CWA/CAJ Award for Labour Reporting; and The Davis S. Barra Award for student journalists. Submissions for work completed in 2013 are now open until January 2014. (All entries must be from 2013; all media accepted)

These awards help celebrate journalism while at the same time reminding Canadians that unions  are working to improve the quality of life for every Canadian. I hope you will participate.

Good luck !


Carmel Smyth
National President, CMG

The Canadian Hillman Prize
For excellence in journalism in service of the common good ($5,000)

Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has honoured journalists and writers who pursue social justice and draw attention to public problems that should be exposed.
This is an international award, named after a dedicated American union leader. Past winners include many CBC and print journalists.

Who can apply:
Journalists/writers with a piece that touched hearts and made Canada a better place.

Application deadline: January 9, 2014

Click here for more details or write to Annie.Hennessey@mediaprofile.com


2013  CWA Canada / CAJ Award
For excellence in labour reporting ($1,000)

CMG and our parent union CWA Canada together with the Canadian Association of Journalists offer a $1,000 prize for excellence in Labour Reporting. Your entry can be a story about workers, working conditions, income disparity, social justice or other issues unions work on.

Who can apply:
Journalists with a piece focusing on labour issues.

Application deadline: January 31, 2014

Click here for more details or write to awards@caj.ca


The Davis S. Barra Award
For student journalists in high school (US $1,000)  and college (US$1,500)

The American based award is also open to families of CMG/CWA members. It is meant to encourage young journalists to focus on issues of equality and social justice. The award is named after a respected Newspaper Guild leader and mentor.

Who can apply:
High school students and part-time or full-time post-secondary students, including those in vocational and community colleges, or in graduate programs.

Application deadline: January 31, 2014

Click here for more details


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