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Nominate a colleague for the CMG CBC/Radio-Canada Branch President’s Award

Do you know of anyone who has contributed exceptional service to their colleagues through their work with a CMG committee or in the broader labour movement? If so, nominate that person for an award!

The CBC Branch of the CMG is accepting nominations until April 24, at 5 p.m. ET for our CBC Branch President’s Award. We plan to present the award at the Presidents’ Council at the end of May.

The CBC Branch President’s Award will be presented to a CMG member for an exceptional achievement on behalf of CMG members or the labour movement, or for long-term service to the union that is exceptional in nature.

Nominations may come from any member in good standing of CMG at CBC and must have two seconders who are also members in good standing of the CMG at CBC. Nominations should be emailed to the selection committee at PresidentsAward@cmg.ca from the nominator with CC to the two seconders.

Previous winners include:

Carmel Smyth 2019
Gaynette Spafford 2017
Christina Mayo 2015
Harry Mesh 2013
Lise Lareau 2011
Glen Guerin 2009

Please provide the following information in the letter:

1.  The full name, job title and location of the candidate.

2.  Describe the exceptional achievement or exceptional long-term service of the candidate.

3.  How has the candidate achievement or service benefited CMG members?

4.  In what capacities/on what committees have they served?

5.  If relevant, has the person been involved in other labour-related activities outside the CMG?

Click here to view the rules and criteria for the award.

In solidarity,

Kim Trynacity
CBC Branch President, Canadian Media Guild (CMG)

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