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Ron Pambrun Scholarship applications affected by Canada Post lockout

We’ve received anxious phone calls and e-mails from members across the country about how the work stoppage at Canada Post may affect applications for the Ron Pambrun Scholarship.

Please rest assured that we’ll allow extra time for all the application materials to arrive at our office. That said, we strongly recommend that you send us at least Part I of the application by e-mail or fax on or before the June 17 deadline, so we know to expect the rest of your application materials in due course. Click here for the full package.

You can send the documents to me at [email protected] or fax them to my attention at 416-591-7278. If you do decide to send a fax, please follow up with a short e-mail so that we can acknowledge receipt or let you know if there are any problems.

In the meantime, let’s all support our friends and neighbours in CUPW and do what we can to help them get a fair deal with Canada Post.

Keith Maskell
CMG staff representative

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