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Training course for Guild volunteers April 30-May 3

We are now accepting applications from CMG members for the course, “Leadership in Action,” which will take place April 30 to May 3 in Toronto.

This course is aimed at all union volunteers and leaders, regardless of your experience. The goal is to provide you with the skills you need to effectively represent your colleagues and to run and administer your branch or location. It’s a great refresher for those of you already active in the Guild and an opportunity for your less-experienced colleagues to benefit from your experience and knowledge. The course includes leadership skills, dispute resolution and case handling techniques, mobilization strategies, tips on meeting new members, running better meetings, how to meet with management and an introduction to grievance handling and keeping good records.

The course runs Thursday to Sunday. The Guild will cover all your expenses and arrange for you to be released from work with full pay for any scheduled work day.

To apply, go to http://www.cmg.ca/educationguidelinesEN.shtml. Don’t forget to have your application endorsed by your branch or location president or vice president.

The deadline for applications is Monday March 2.

If you have any questions, contact the Guild office at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-465-4149 or 416-591-5333.

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