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Another busy week at the CBC bargaining table 

Last week, we worked to clarify and update the special leave provisions in the collective agreement. We also continued discussions on precarious work at CBC/Radio-Canada, as well as employee wellness.
This was our last full week of collective bargaining in 2018. We will continue to work on some issues in December and return to the full table in January.
Since the start of bargaining in September, we have worked toward solutions for a number of issues: diversity and inclusion initiatives, updating policy for people living and working in Northern and isolated locations, scheduling and overtime, as well as modernizing language to reflect changes in legislation and in our workplace.
We have come a long way, but there is still a lot of work ahead of us in early 2019. As a reminder, negotiations on pay and benefits will come toward the end of the process and we hope to have a full agreement on all of the issues before the expiry of the current collective agreement at the end of March.
We really appreciate hearing your feedback, comments and concerns about this round of bargaining. You can always reach us at: http://www.cmg.ca/en/contact-our-cbc-bargaining-committee/
We wish you all happy holidays and a great start to 2019!

The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) bargaining committee at CBC:
Sujata Berry
Carolyn Dunn
Stéphany Laperrière
Harry Mesh
Pierre Millette
Pauline Pemik
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Olivier Desharnais-Roy, CMG Staff Representative
Karen Wirsig, CMG Staff Representative      

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