APTN bargaining 2022 – Update

Our bargaining committee has continued to meet with the Employer’s team and all of our and their proposals have now been presented. We’ve made a lot of head way in terms of progress but there’s several key item we have yet to find agreement on.

Both sides have agreed to continue the positive discussions in September after taking a summer pause to accommodate the schedule vacation of the committee members.

As always, we continue to carry the message to APTN’s bargaining team that CMG members want to see a fair and progressive agreement that values the work our members do and also contributes to the wellness and work-life balance that our members deserve.

Of note, although Joël will be on a parental leave as per the previous communique, he has made himself available to continue as the bargaining representative to ensure stability and consistency through to the end of the process.

Stay healthy and safe this summer and we hope to provide you with a positive update in the fall!

Your Guild bargaining team:
Charmaine Straker
Dennis Rondeau
Tom Fennario
Joël Tétreault, CMG Staff Representative (joel@cmg.ca)

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