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CBC applies for conciliation

The Canadian Media Guild believes the CBC has acted prematurely and irresponsibly in asking the federal government to appoint a conciliator at this time. We have not yet discussed a number of key issues at the bargaining table, including almost all monetary matters. The CBC advised the Guild less than an hour before it applied for conciliation.

Once a conciliator is appointed, he or she will work with the parties for up to 60 days to help us get beyond impasse and negotiate a deal.

If no deal can be reached in that time, federal legislation calls for a 21-day “cooling-off period,” a time when the parties can continue to negotiate. If no deal is reached by that time, either party must give 72 hours notice to begin either a lockout or strike.

This is not the first time in history that conciliation has been used in talks with the Corporation. It is our intent to continue bargaining in good faith to reach an agreement.

We will provide members with more details in the coming days. As well, the Guild has scheduled a conference call with local presidents for Tuesday night.

Your bargaining committee:
Arnold Amber, Toronto
Pierre Claveau, Vancouver
Brendan Elliott, Charlottetown
Percy Hatfield, Windsor
Joe Hill, Toronto
Wendy Hunt, Toronto
Gerry Jones, Regina
Barbara Saxberg, Toronto
Lee Siemon, Toronto
Chris Turner, Fredericton
Rick Warren, Vancouver
Dan Oldfield, Senior CMG staff representative

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