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CMG and Vice Media making progress at the bargaining table

Your Bargaining committee had a successful day yesterday negotiating with the Company. We were able to break through some roadblocks that had developed because of a lack of understating for each other’s positions. So, after some dogged discussions, we were able to make some progress and come to a better comprehension of what each side requires. We continue to work towards an agreement that will encompass the basic fairness we’re looking for in our working conditions.

We would like to give you a more detailed update of where we are at in this process, and a chance to ask any questions you may have as we move closer to an agreement we can present to you. We’re going to hold a Membership meeting at the Brazenhead Pub Blast Room on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 6 p.m. Please come with your questions or comments; we’re providing light refreshments.

We are working on a conference call for our colleagues working outside of Toronto – stay tuned for details.

Your Bargaining Committee:
Raffi DerGhazarian
Deb Hong
Navi Lamba
Justin Ling
Maggie McCaw
Federico Carajval, Staff Representative
Terri Monture, Staff Representative

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