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CMG reaches tentative agreement with APTN

Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that we have signed a Memorandum of Agreement with APTN.

Highlights of this new agreement include:

–  A three-year deal which will expire in 2019 allowing for APTN’s next license renewal to be completed before the next round of negotiations
–  Clarification of sick leave policies
–  A merit-based senior designation to recognize excellence in the workplace with a 5% salary bump
–  The ability of employees in certain classifications to become self-scheduled
–  Salary increases will be discussed at the ratification meeting

As soon as we make the arrangements, a ratification meeting will be announced for a later date, and full details of the Memorandum will be discussed at that time.

In solidarity,

Cheryl McKenzie
Melissa Ridgen
Vincent Proteau
Terri Monture, Staff Representative

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