Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Press / CMG set to begin crucial round of money talks – Update # 6

CMG set to begin crucial round of money talks – Update # 6

Bargaining for a new contract at CP/BN has reached the critical stage where money will soon be on the table. We expect to discuss your compensation at the next round, which begins April 11th.

We have heard what you had to say about your pay and benefits and how those relate to workload. We’ll be bringing those concerns back to the table. It is still too early to say what length of term a new contract might run. Neither the company nor the Guild has ruled out a longer term deal.

During this past week of negotiations we believe we have achieved some of the goals we set with regard to averaging and the out of town assignment protocol. These also very much affect the amount of money some of you make. We do not want to see averaging expanded and we do not want to see the out of town assignment protocol applied to events it was never intended to cover.

Obviously, money is one of the most important areas of discussion and we cannot say how long it will take us to reach agreement on the issue.

Your bargaining team,
Scott Edmonds
Sylvain Larocque
Terry Pedwell
Colin Perkel
Ken Trimble
Kathy Viner, CMG Staff Representative

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