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Conciliation has begun at AAC

Your CMG bargaining team met for the first time with federal conciliator Buck Reed on Monday. The day was spent going over the progress of negotiations to date, and discussing ways to reach agreement with the employer. The company’s committee met with Mr. Reed yesterday.

A meeting is set for November 9 for the union and the company to begin negotiating with the assistance of the conciliator. We will keep you posted on developments as they occur.

Click here to download a flyer outlining some of the things that the Guild is seeking on behalf of you and your colleagues. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact anyone on the Guild executive or contact CMG staff rep Keith Maskell at keith@cmg.ca .

Your bargaining committee:
Masaaba Mwambu
Tom Rudman
Michelle Smith
Keith Maskell, CMG Staff Representative

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